Your Relationship Intelligence
Spread the Love
love creates community

Love and community - you cannot have one without first building the other. We can no longer survive, let alone thrive, until we become interdependent. 

What is interdependent?


Love creates communities that feed individuals coming together as One. As the single most powerful solution to all that ails humankind, love fills the need for connection. Actually, love creates that vital connection, the  pre-requisite for a healthy, happy life.


It's your move now. If your life has blanks preventing the smoothness of successful relationships, work, family and friends, take action. 

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About the Author Ali Bierman

Ali Bierman has been a relationship expert most of her life. As a wife of 32 years, mother, psychotherapist, specialized kinesiologist, ordained metaphysical minister, best selling author, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, gifted artist and composer, teacher, family member and friend, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time, and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.

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