Love is the highest frequency. Love is the vibration of the Divine.
The Beatles had it right when they sang, "All You Need is Love."
To live your best life and fulfill your reason for being here now in this lifetime, build your relationship intelligence allowing you to live in love.
You can only attract things and people that vibrate in harmony with your own vibratory frequency.
Everything you want i life vibrates very fast at very high frequencies.!
When you see each person as the Divine Spirit they truly are, and when you recognize that everything that happens in life happens perfectly for a beautiful and Divine reason (eincluding the horrifically awful painful events) THEN, and only then, can you raise your frequency and finally receive all you want and all you deserve in life.
It's not rocket science. Watch the video to get started now.
When you click like and share you let others know how you feel you show them how to live in love too. The more loving people in your life, the happier and healthier you will become.
Simple, yes?