For more than two decades I have sought help to heal from two brain injuries. Neither mainstream nor functional medicine practitioners could assist me beyond a point that still prevents me from full-out enjoying life.
Because of the work I do (but am not able to do it on myself) I have long been aware of the healing modalities so popular in Europe and other countries - which some of my mentors used to help me in the early years. Unfortunately neither of them is available to me now.
So I knew what an extraordinary gift I was blessed with when this series came across my desk.
Happily, the people now assisting my healing in ways no one in the U.S. said was even possible before, practice this style of wellness. Indeed, one of them, Kelly Kennedy, is one of the powerful presenters in this eye-opening series of what has been working for decades - just not in the United States - where 95% of all prescription drugs are used.
Despite billions of prescriptions written each year, patients navigating chronic conditions can spend years (and tens of thousands of dollars!) seeking answers and treatment — often getting sicker, addicted and exhausted…
What if there were a different way of looking at health in a sea of modern-day symptom control?
Bioregulatory medicine (aka European biological medicine) is a customized, patient-centered model that has been utilized extensively in Europe for decades…
…combining the wisdom of ancient, traditional practices with the newest tech innovations and powerful insights from practitioners and doctors…
…who, throughout time, have found thatby removing toxicity and blocks to healing, the body can successfully regulate and self-heal — even with the most complex conditions.
Which is exactly how I work so I KNOW this works in every situation - be the issue physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Your host, Dr. Christine Schaffner, helps patients who have seen, on average, 25 doctors (and as many as 50+!) before they arrive at her office.
Often, they have spent tens of thousands of dollars on specialists and ineffective pharmacological solutions that many times have created further side effects and symptoms.
In the face of modern medicine’s inability to help these patients, she has found that mysterious chronic diseases can be successfully treated through a combination of bioregulatory medicine and modern technology geared toward each patient’s individual needs. Every day she sees breakthroughs and lives changed!
She’s here to help you by sharing her wisdom.
You’re not alone. There are answers. We can heal together.
Why am I sharing about CBD? Am I trying to get you high?
No, CBD will not get you high like marijuana does.
Remember a few weeks ago I recommended Sayer Ji's international bestseller, Regenerate? He spoke about CBD twice when recommending supplements to boost and maintain health.
I was looking for a top quality product that met my high standards and my friend, who I had not talked to since moving across the country, called me to tell me about her new business in - you guessed it- CBD.
Trusting her wisdom and integrity as a nurse and phenomenal energy practitioner, I jumped in as she educated me about the forms of CBD and products to assist me personally.
OH MY GOODNESS! It did so much more than maintain my health.
I never expected anything noticeably different. After a week, taking one capsule at bedtime, I found my sleep deeper with only one bathroom trip (instead of 2-3) each night. Thankfully I have now slept all the way through the night twice!
Suddenly my Qigong and workout moves, that had been so painful and challenging since the brain surgery altered my body, flowed easily. In fact, I could move in ways I had not been able to for 8 1/2 years!
Ah, but there is more. With the paralysis in my swallow muscles I had begun choking badly again, to the point I was moving toward mostly smoothies so I could swallow the nutrition without the chance of not breathing again! Thankfully my swallowing is back to the usual caution and no choking!
And yesterday, for the first time in 8 1/2 years, I was able to jog - smooth gate and no falls. I feel so excited - and grateful.
Note: those are my personal results. Yours may differ.
Your body is designed to support well-being.
Pure joy is your birthright. Self care, with safe practices and safe pure products to magnify the impact of natural processes, leaves you feeling as great as the woman in the top photo!
CBD receptor cells enjoy a boost to do their job well.
Now you know why CBD helps the whole body. Discover why Joiya was created in this video...
Not all CBD is created equal. You get what you pay for! Get the details and discover how you too can feel better, be happier, and enjoy life again. Tour my site here.
Contact me with your questions about stepping into health and happiness.
And. if you already tried CBD without great results or even if you enjoy some results consider a switch to JoiYA - a company of Joi not just CBD. The 30 Day Bottom-of-the- Bottle refund if you do not see a benefit, coupled with the clear COA details of where and how the hemp was grown, plus the specific test results from the very batch in your personal bottle - signed by the lab technician - many reasons to take a look.
Did you ever notice how good, how relaxed, you feel when you laugh out loud?
I often remind you to smile because it does a body good - literally. Your entire physical change to a smile changes your insides.
When you smile you straighten up which lets your lungs expand and you draw in more life force - also known as the air you breathe.
You may not realize that your immune system steps up with that smile and that laughter.
Depressed people get sick more often than people who smile and laugh out loud.
Okay, so that is why I am sharing these videos. Well, one reason, The bigger reason is, as a psychotherapist I studied how someone like Hitler was able to brainwash millions of people into blind devotion despite the insanity of the situation. Those same tactics are at play today and being instilled just as subtly as he did.
Enjoy this video and then watch the facts on which much of the information is based in the second video.
The facts is, fake news has been around since the beginning of reported "news." What thought forms do you unconsciously buy into? Humans seek information with which they agree.
How do you check the facts that run your life? People who blindly follow those with the most money and most power to command headlines and search engines repeat millennia of horrifying history.
The good news is, as Dr. Marissa Pei pointed out in her article, this unprecedented time offers humankind the opportunity to move in a healthy new direction away from the world run by the few, expanding the difference between the have and have nots.
The following talk is reprinted with permission from Dr. Marissa Pei. You can see her in action on her award winning podcast here when she interviewed me.
Covid-19: An Opportunity for Our Lifetime
“I can’t wait for things to get back to normal.” And what was ‘normal’? And do I really want to go back to that?!
Photo Credit Unknown but appreciated!
BC-19 Before Covid-19 Virus took us to our knees, “normal” looked like record levels of air pollution (did you see the beautiful picture of the Himalayas above the Taj Mahal visible for the first time in decades), 3 percent of the population with more money than the rest of the population, people who hated their jobs but were afraid to leave because the money was needed to pay for their big houses and fancy cars and vacations and wardrobes and everything to keep up with the Joneses aka the Kardashians, and a fascination with people whose only claim to fame was drama that they created to gain followers.
The abused were continuing to abuse their kids, leaving everyone open to the short term solution called crime, thereby feeding a multi-billion dollar prison industry with more crime and more prisons in the history of modern man. Our homelessness was and still is spinning out of control with the divide between the have and the have nots growing wider not smaller. The level of hatred and divide between Republicans and Democrats thanks to ‘leadership’ was at an all time high.
People stopped caring at work, and were just there “for a paycheck” “tell me what to do” and “I’ll live for my weekends”. And that my friends is only 2 days a week out of 7, which is a huge waste of time. Everyday we would curse at traffic, complain about the stupid people at work, both inside the company aka your boss and outside aka customers.
And how did we get there? We followed the American dream. And BC-19 it was already turning into an American nightmare. I was born into that American dream where the kool-aid I was asked to drink was as follows:
Go to school and get good grades (in subjects that were not necessarily helping anyone what their unique talents gifts and abilities are)
Then you can get into a good college where the rich have a system called Ivy that automatically guarantees that the rich get richer.
Then you can get into a good job and make lots of money, which is actually only a very small percentage of what the people at the top of the organization make, who have yet to demonstrate how their time is more expensive than everyone else's. It is shaped like a hierarchy so there’s always 99 pissed off people under the 1 that did get a promotion. Isn’t it interesting that during this time when everyone is being laid off, the executives are still drawing salary first? Our whole system of thinking that we have to get a good job from a big company whose dreams we are blood sweat and tearing for continues to generate a rat race that is not good for the rat!
Then get married to the ONE who completes you till death do us part (which btw sounds like a death sentence), have kids, buy a house, car, boat, take nice vacations because that’s “normal” and what we should do.
Retire and do nothing and then die leaving your toys to your kids.
You work hard and stay, even if you hate your job, because sacrificing your happiness to put food on the table, and staying married for the sake of the kids, and live on a restricted retirement budget till you die hoping noone will steal your 401k becomes your goal in life.
When you are a high school student you’re told to pick a major when you have no clue what you like/don’t like, good at or not good at. Usually by the time you figure it out, it’s too late to change because you’ve already spent time and money on that path that leads to “I hate my job and I’ll live for my weekends”.
Is it possible that the virus is actually more than a Pause button for us but an opportunity to STOP and take an 88 thousand look at what we are propagating? BC-19 were you 88% happy?
Or were you so exhausted everyday…waking up tired, dreading going to work, trying to do a million things taking care of kids and your boss, fighting traffic and the problem people in your life, and then so wiped out forgetting to floss day after day and then surprised that “it’s Christmas already?!” Groundhog Day but in a way things were getting worse not better because now our retirement savings were not enough, our kids were not only coming home many are addicted to something, and our parents were sick too. Do we really want to go back to that??!
Now that I have put you into a depressed coma, here’s the offer:
Is it possible that Covid-19 is offering us an opportunity for our life to start on a different trajectory for human-KIND? I was saying that with the #stayathome pandemic we now had time for #peaceathome, time to address things we never had time for, like asking ourselves what really makes us happy, and if we were 88% happy with ourselves. Now, with social distancing extended, I’m wondering if there is a massive opportunity here for the planet. Is it possible when everything is falling apart around us, the economy, our education system, our family systems, our social network, our government systems and all the BS Belief Systems that have guided all of our actions raising our kids and raising ourselves could be changed?
Before you start accusing me of spouting socialistic rhetoric hold on to your big girl panties. Picture this:
You’re born.
You are taught from an early age that you have unique gifts talents and abilities that life is a laboratory to explore in.
Schools you learn all of the subjects plus a few more…there’s opportunities for new school systems to teach and grow kids so everyone feels like they are in the advanced class.
Parents learn how to turn their own abuse into self-love so that the abuse is not unconsciously passed on.
Parents teach their kids to start the day with gratitude and appreciation for themself and others, so bullying seeds have less ground to grow in.
There are small and large businesses that operate on collaboration instead of dog-eat-dog the same way the Apple and Google just announced in their collaborative effort to fight the virus.
There are schools that grow entrepreneurs so that they are not just people who get taken advantage of and squander their life savings to motivational speakers offering success in a box. Businesses operate in a world where there is always a buyer for a product, and that we can value variety as much as we do the mainstream.
We connect the way we are doing now because of the virus…much less on flash and image, more so on meaning and messages that happens when we are so bored we reach out online to reconnect with old classmates and family.
We walk more and enjoy and appreciate the outdoors more than we ever have leaving cars and pollution behind.
How do you like my rose-colored koolaid so far?
So what’s the #peaceathome #shuttheworryup challenge here?
First you have to stop blaming everyone else and everything outside of yourself for where you are. Take a look at how you’ve abdicated your morst powerful tool in life called Choice and Focus to the News, media, Hollywood, the K family…you get my drift. 80 plus percent of us have lost our jobs. Instead of whining and moaning about it, take an hour everyday until the #stayathome edict stops and start taking responsibility for yourself.
Get in touch with who you are, what you like, what you used to want to do, what is meaningful to you and what is not, what you like about yourself and not, what you’re good at and what what you’re not, who or what keeps getting in your way, what possibilities there are with your skillset and aspirations are possible in a different industry/job/world?
Look for self-employed opportunities, collaborative partnerships, or new companies that don’t have a hierarchical structure where people are stepped on and climbed over.
Open yourself up mentally, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually for your Own Dream, where there are no nightmares.
Join the #peaceathome movement for classes and workshops that explore the limitless possibilities we all have in this thing called life.
We can do more than just delete the browsing cookies that are our habitual way of thinking and being…and create a new normal that is less frustrating, less exhausting and less painful. Thanks to CV-19 we now have the time to do a hard or soft reset…rebooting our lives into an opportunity for our lifetime!
Dr. Marissa is the author of the #1 bestseller 8 Ways to Happiness from Wherever You Are, celebrity host/producer of the award-winning iHeart Radio and CNBC KCAA syndicated talk radio/tv show “Take My Advice, I’m Not Using It: Get Balanced/Happy with Dr. Marissa” now in it’s 8th year and a featured speaker at the Life Mastery Foundation.
You are living history right now. You can choose to uncover the truth and move forward in your life OR you can follow self-proclaimed leaders with agendas for power.
You can cower in fear lapping up the false statistics and misinformation disseminated by non-scientists or you can find the researched science that is being hidden from. the public by those same self-interests.
Start with re-framing how staying home supports you and all of us by creating time and space for new ideas to take hold.
Positive themed podcasts are popping up every day as well as videos like this one. Of course positivity never changes anything. You want to truly know and live in true happiness. That is a deep lesson for another time. On the other hand wake up and choose what is good about today rather than focusing on what is awful.
Ready to live free again, to make choices about your well being and that of your family - and the country?
Watch this video and take action. The choice is yours for now. Let's keep it that way.
Move your body to stay healthy and vital!. Simply bouncing in place, wiggling, dancing, and vocalizing tells your brain and body you are ready for your day!
Exercise wakes up your brain!
Yes, you will think more clearly when your whole body coordinates the activity of living!
Regardless of how you feel, and especially when you just stay in bed until you get more energy or stop hurting - you gotta get up and get going in the way that works for you.
You certainly know that studies show that sitting is more deadly than smoking in regard to its impact on your physical body. Studies also show that a standing desk does not improve your wellness - just switches things around.
Clear? Details in this video.
Oh! I just gotta share...Last year I hurt my knees so badly I could barely walk. I exercised as I could. As I mentioned, up-down exercise (lie on the floor then stand up, go back down, stand up) is vital to well being and function as we age. Yesterday, for the first time since the injury, I was able to do the up-downs without using my hands to stand up - not even one hand, just my leg strength.
What you fail to use you lose.
Poignant experience!
What can you do to get going without hurting yourself? As described in the video - if you are woman go here to learn more about exercising to heal hormonal imbalances and build strength without bulking up.
Before Dr. Jade created the women's program I used a number of workouts he designed for well body creation. Looking to restore your body to how it used to be, guys? Click here for Metabolic Prime.
Oh yeah, did I fail to mention - either of those extraordinary programs runs 12 weeks: three 15 minute workouts each week (that include rest and accommodations for your level of activity), and costs less than eating out in a decent restaurant?
If you just sit there thinking and wondering, your body and brain will continue to decline as time goes by. You get to choose how you want to live your life - enjoying yourself or watching others enjoying themselves.
Time to get up off the couch and stash the junk food, yes?
Immunity to colds as well as heart attack prevention reflect healthy relationships .All your relationships contribute to your well being or the lack of success.
More precisely, your interpretation of the events in each of your relationships builds or damages your health and happiness.