Your heart brain connection determines the speed and success of your ability to manifest health, happiness, and security.
Coherence becomes paramount.
Your degree of manifesting anything reflects whether or not your brain and heart communicate well, whether or not your heart waves (you know, as in EKG) are in sync with your brain waves (EEG).
When they beat in a matching pattern they are said to be in coherence.
Why does matching your heart and brain waves matter in your life?
How do you create your reality by thought versus creating only through your body, depending on outside forces (think medicine, procedures, treatments) that may take a long time to produce your desired results results?
Often, even with care from alternative healers, the notion that "it took years to get to this unhealthy place so you have to expect it to take time to regain your health" reflects that same interference with how Nature created living organisms to self-heal.
So you know, no one and nothing outside of you heals you. Healing happens when you know, as opposed to believe, you will heal. Hence you see so many mock surgeries getting the same successful results as actual surgeries (not uncommonly done on knees these days).
In fact, the placebo effect is so well-studied you can find them cited in as mainstream literature as the AARP newsletter.
In my own healthcare practice I occasionally witnessed the opposite, the nocebo effect, with clients who had so much invested in not being healthy that despite incontrovertible evidence of improvement they said they felt no difference.
Interesting, don't you think?
Do you ever wonder why some people decide to be well and then heal quickly if not instantly? If you read my book, THRIVE! Don't Just Survive (details in my store), you know I healed from both traumatic brain injuries and a blood clot in my lungs, when my medical team said what I did was not possible. In fact, one doctor in charge of my case (are you ready for this?) he called my healing a miracle. He actually wrote those words in my chart, a miracle.
Argh! Medical personnel used to take the Hippocratic Oath stating, "First, do no harm." And second, "Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food."
Okay, so are you now ready to grasp how you are in charge of your healing? Ready to discover the first step to make it happen for you?
The video sets up the key first step. Watch it all the way through if you really are ready to stop the discomforts and frustrations you have lived with too long. Any amount of time suffering is time not spent enjoying life!
Thankfully, today you can find a Functional Medicine practitioner (many of whom are MDs, DOs, NDs, and DCs) to assist your healing not by prescribing mainstream tests and medicines but by listening to you, synthesizing a comprehensive picture of your world (including diet, exercise, socializing and stress) and then individualizing what your body actually needs to allow healing to happen.
Realize that 100 people presenting with a headache may have 100 different causes sourcing that headache.
Notice that many state legislatures are actively pursuing changes to health insurance to include alternative treatments and preventative care!
Always follow your gut for accurate information that propels you toward your highest and best good. Remember that healing may not mean returning to your previous state, Rather, healing may present you with a new situation that forces you to adapt and create a new way of functioning for you.
After all, you came to this lifetime to grow and evolve your soul. Seems that such progress, more often than not, happens in crisis situations.
When you truly need surgery, find a doctor who listens to you and pays attention to your every concern rather than watches the time. They still exist, thankfully. Interestingly, you will find them refusing to retire because they love what they do and their patients treasure them because they feel valued.
I know because the brain surgeon who removed the tumor was such a person - totally accessible, even at night to answer my questions and to talk with my family members too.
In the words of Maya Angelou,
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Click here to learn more about Heart Math and coherence.
Go below to proclaim your readiness to take charge of your health NOW. The truth is, you are in charge whether or not you know it. Live consciously for results you love.