Your Relationship Intelligence
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Make This One Your Best One

​Make this one the best one - of your life.

This year do something different. No more same old same old resolutions. No more intentions without action. Want a new life? Start today.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.


​In the interest of better serving your needs (which I only know when you share them with me) I study lots of material and research on the brain and mind as well as metaphysics and quantum physics.

The cool thing I find is that science has been discovering what I already found out for myself, namely, that being happy first and loving yourself first lead to better health, more meaningful relationships, and overall more success at everything in life.

Most people got it all backwards. 

Most people think they have to have a great career to be happy. Or they think the “right” person will love them and make them happy. Or they believe that gaining health will bring success and happiness.

Nope. Now you know why happiness eludes you.

​No one and nothing outside of you can make you happy. Period. And no one and nothing outside of you makes you sad or angry either.

​Now that one we need to talk about, okay?

So what are you going to do about your unhappy situation?

TELL ME what you want to know. What is going on that keeps you from being happy? What keeps you awake at night?

I will not tell anyone where the questions come from so you remain anonymous.

Why am I doing this? So you know, you are not alone. I get very similar very unhappy life situation help requests from women and men  who think they are alone in their suffering.

Please know, you are never alone and never need to suffer through life.

If your life up ’til now has been painful, KNOW that your past in NO WAY predicts your future. I will not give up on you so don’t you give up on you.

I don’t care if your struggle is with a life time of abuse or fruitless attempts to get a better figure or a more organized house. If it bothers you, let’s do something about it!

Nothing will ever change because you wish or hope it will. And it will not go away by itself.

Life is a do it yourself job. I cannot make any changes for you. AND life is not a do it by yourself job.

Do one thing different today even if it is something as simple as putting your other foot down first when getting out of bed or starting to brush your teeth at a different point in your mouth.

Begin the habit of change NOW. Let your subconscious mind and the Universe know you are done with being unhappy and ready to change your life by acting now.

​Click​ the image  to get your copy

​Ready to take on life full out? IF you have not yet read why I do what I do and how I came back from two Traumatic Brain Injuries that left me with no short term memory, not being able to use my eyes for 17 months, and then later having to learn to talk, swallow, and walk again then I urge you to grab this book today. 

Lying in bed barely able to move, unable to talk, and swallowing only with great difficulty and lots of choking, I discovered true happiness. I ​share how you ​can change YOUR life.

PLUS to start your new year powerfully I am gifting you the THRIVE! Expert Series. ​I interviewed 11 amazing individuals who took on extraordinary life circumstances beating the odds and creating happy lives. One man who, at age 6, was tarred and feathered and left for dead; one woman born without arms; an 18 year old college driop-out who became an 18 year old associate producer of a feature film, and more. That series, not available any place else, is valued at $97.

​Click below to get your copy of my book. Then send me a copy of your receipt or order number and I will send you the link to the talks.

Together let's make 2019 the year everything changes for the better.

About the Author Ali Bierman

Ali Bierman has been a relationship expert most of her life. As a wife of 32 years, mother, psychotherapist, specialized kinesiologist, ordained metaphysical minister, best selling author, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, gifted artist and composer, teacher, family member and friend, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time, and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.

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