Your Relationship Intelligence
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Relationships and Immunity

Immunity to colds  as well as heart attack prevention reflect healthy relationships .All your relationships contribute to your well being or the lack of success.

More precisely, your interpretation of the events in each of your relationships builds or damages your health and happiness.


Your relationships determine your world all across your life. Everything that happens, everything you feel and everything you think about yourself, your connection to your Higher Self, to other people, and to a Higher Power all get recorded in your physical body and your energy bodies.

Your body, responding to emotional interpretations of events, causes blocks that lead to health problems as mundane as the common cold and as complex as heart failure.

Your body wisdom exceeds the wisdom of your logical mind. 

Watch the video for details of how your relationships - and the most important ones, actually protect you from colds and even prolong your healthier life following open heart surgery.

Subscribe to our newsletter and DOWNLOAD 7 Tips To Successful Relationships so you can build your Relationship Intelligence and boost your immunity NOW. 

About the Author Ali Bierman

Ali Bierman has been a relationship expert most of her life. As a wife of 32 years, mother, psychotherapist, specialized kinesiologist, ordained metaphysical minister, best selling author, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, gifted artist and composer, teacher, family member and friend, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time, and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.

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