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Sleep More For Health and Happiness

Sleep more for health and happiness. In fact, unless you get the minimum 7.5 hours of sleep each  night your functioning, your happiness, your health and ultimately your success at work and at home will suffer.

The Center for Disease Control calls sleep problems a public health epidemic. 


The National Sleep Foundation reports that people with sleep disorders spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year trying to get some peaceful shut-eye. The cost to the economy, in lost productivity and accidents, is staggering!

Perhaps the most important activity of sleep is your brain detox. Without adequate sleep to dispose of the amyloid plaque that is implicated in Alzheimer’s, can grow. Your brain only gets rid of toxins while you sleep.

The time you spend asleep, in deep sleep, is the only time your body gets to repair cells that are worn out, gets to replace old cells, gets to create and produce new healthy cells. Your body needs to be in a very deep stage of sleep for all that to happen.

Most people who think that they are getting a good night’s sleep are actually getting about 90 minutes in that deep stage four sleep. The thing is, your body needs about four hours in that deep stage four sleep.

If you want to enjoy optimal health, you need to give your body what nature intended for your body to have.

If your body is not getting the rest necessary to repair and replace old cells your health is disintegrating moment by moment. Maybe you know you feel less and less terrific. More likely, though, it happens out of your awareness and you accept that your energy and body just ain’t what it used to

An interesting aspect of lifetime health begins at the age of two.


You see, your body’s divine wisdom begins to recognize that you are not getting adequate sleep to heal itself and get you through each day. It protects itself by slowly and imperceptibly shutting down your organ systems. Over your lifetime, these bits and pieces of decreasing function become apparent as pain, conditions, and illness.

Aging does not just happen. It reflects your lifestyle.


Confused? You won't be after you watch this video.

Watch Arianna Huffington's TED talk here.

About the Author Ali Bierman

Ali Bierman has been a relationship expert most of her life. As a wife of 32 years, mother, psychotherapist, specialized kinesiologist, ordained metaphysical minister, best selling author, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, gifted artist and composer, teacher, family member and friend, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time, and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.

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