How do I handle a crisis? Write a song, of course.
One of the key healing techniques I have known across my lifetime is writing a song. I do that to help me handle crises, to grow through tough times AND to celebrate life too. I sing this song pretty much daily to remind me how to stay in the mindset and reality of Love, True Happiness, and thriving instead of just surviving.
In my healing process I learned how to walk again so this THRIVE! Dance is - what a gift for me to make it real! Ah, and my voice went away so I had to learn how to talk again. Getting a sound out - another WOWSER!
See an annotated version below.
Contact me for lyrics.
In each minute you choose how you live. Happiness and healing are choices you make – or fail to make. You constantly receive messages and guidance to lead you to your Very Excellent Life.
Press play for the annotated version of the THRIVE! song.